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Welcome to InnerMed – your colonoscopy specialists in Bühl/Baden-Baden!

With more than 3500 colonoscopies a year, we have reliable experience in the field of endoscopic examinations. Our priority: your safety and well-being. State-of-the-art, high-quality equipment and personalized care by qualified specialists are therefore our top priorities at InnerMed.

In addition to colonoscopy, we naturally offer a wide range of other examination and treatment options. s

When is a colonoscopy recommended?

Colonoscopy is the standard procedure for examining the large intestine and the lower section of the small intestine. It is particularly important for the early detection of bowel cancer and its precursors. The examination is therefore recommended for screening in men from the age of 50 and in women from the age of 55.

Colonoscopy is also advisable as a preventive measure if there is a family history of colorectal cancer, i.e. if direct relatives have been diagnosed with the disease.

We also recommend a colonoscopy for unclear abdominal complaints, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases or specific symptoms. These include

  • Blood in the stool
  • Increased abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation
  • Iron deficiency or anemia
  • Unclear weight loss

A colonoscopy enables your doctor to identify the cause of your symptoms. For example, chronic bowel diseases, precursors of bowel cancer and possible inflammation or malignant changes in the bowel mucosa can be detected.

We also recommend a colonoscopy for follow-up care after bowel surgery (for example after bowel cancer).


Please use our contact form for the following acute symptoms:

New irregularities in bowel movements
New onset of diarrhea and/or constipation for at least four weeks
Visible blood in the stool or detection of blood in the stool using a stool test
Unexplained weight loss
Anemia of unknown cause diagnosed by a general practitioner

We will get in touch with you immediately.

Before the colonoscopy: what you should think about

It is important to us that you go to your examination feeling confident. It goes without saying that we will therefore take the time to inform you in detail about the procedure and the advantages and disadvantages of the examination. A few days before the agreed appointment, we will hold a personal information session in which we will explain all the steps and answer any questions you may have.

Various factors such as food and medication can have a decisive influence on the quality of the examination. In order to create the conditions for a safe and successful colonoscopy, there are a few things to bear in mind.

1. change your diet – start in good time

Start reducing fiber in your diet a few days before the colonoscopy. This means: no wholegrain products, muesli or fruit and vegetables containing seeds. It is best to stick to white bread, pasta, potatoes, toast and low-fiber fruit and vegetables.

2. how bowel evacuation works

The bowel must be completely cleansed and emptied for the examination. We will therefore give you a prescription for a laxative drinking solution, which you should take the evening before your colonoscopy. From this point onwards, you should also refrain from eating solid food.

3. the laxative solution: making it easier to take

Do you find it difficult to take the laxative? It can help to take the solution chilled, suck slices of lemon or orange before and after each sip and use a straw.

4. don’t forget to eat and drink

A thorough bowel cleansing is important – but you should not stop eating too early. Make sure you have a light lunch the day before the examination and drink plenty of fluids such as water and tea.

5. clarify medication intake

Anyone who regularly takes medication should discuss this with their doctor before the colonoscopy. In some cases, the medication may need to be adjusted, for example for blood-thinning medication or diabetics who inject insulin.

6. wear comfortable clothing

We recommend that you wear comfortable, loose and stain-resistant clothing on the day of the examination. It is not uncommon to feel cold after the colonoscopy – so it is best to pack something warm to wear.

7. keep your diary free

We advise our patients to rest after the examination – especially if they have been given a sedative. Therefore, if possible, do not schedule any important appointments on the day of the examination.

8. bring an accompanying person with you

Anyone who has been given a sedative for the colonoscopy must not drive for around 24 hours and should not go home alone. It is best to organize a companion in good time, arrange to be picked up or take a cab.

9. bring medical findings and documents with you

Have you already had a colonoscopy in the past? It is best to bring the relevant findings with you on the day of the examination. A medication plan should also be presented, especially if you are taking blood-thinning medication.

10 The specialist’s tip: Don’t be afraid of the short sleep injection!

“A colonoscopy doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience, on the contrary – thanks to the possibility of a light anesthetic, patients usually don’t feel anything at all. I therefore recommend having the examination performed with a short sleep injection. Questions about anesthesia or your colonoscopy? The InnerMed team is here for you, feel free to contact us!” – Lutz Ehmsen, owner and gastroenterologist

Colonoscopy: how the examination works

Colonoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis at InnerMed and therefore does not require hospitalization. On the day of the examination, we will see you at the agreed time in our endoscopy department. Here you will again receive all the necessary information about the examination procedure.

In order to always guarantee you a pain-free examination, we recommend having the colonoscopy performed with a ‘short anesthetic’. However, you can of course also have the examination without a short anesthetic.

The examination usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes. The endoscope – a tube-like device about the thickness of a finger – is inserted into the large intestine from the anus. The intestine must first be dilated so that the intestinal mucosa can be viewed clearly and any changes can be seen. This is done by blowing in air or medical carbon dioxide. The endoscope can then be advanced through the large intestine to the junction of the small intestine.

If necessary, your doctor can take tissue samples or perform minor endoscopic procedures during the examination. This includes, for example, the removal of polyps, i.e. benign growths, to prevent cancer. Depending on the size of the polyp, this is done using small forceps or an electric snare and is completely painless.

Colonoscopy - examination at the group practice for general medicine and gastroenterology InnerMed in Bühl / Baden-Baden

After the colonoscopy – what should I bear in mind?

After the colonoscopy examination at the group practice for general medicine and gastroenterology InnerMed in Bühl / Baden-Baden

If you have been given a sedative for the examination, you will be taken to a recovery room for approximately 20 to 30 minutes after the colonoscopy. You will then have a final consultation with your doctor, during which we will inform you of the results of your examination. If tissue samples were taken, they will be sent to our partner laboratory for analysis. As a rule, you will receive the results of this analysis after three days at the latest.

You may not feel as energetic as usual immediately after the colonoscopy. If you have been given sedatives, you may not drive a car, bicycle or motorcycle for 24 hours. We therefore recommend that you are picked up by an accompanying person after the examination and then recover at home.

If you do not have the possibility to be picked up, we will gladly organize a cab for you – just contact us.

Your digestion may also need a few days to recover. Laxation before the colonoscopy puts a strain on the large intestine and can lead to discomfort such as abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort. For faster regeneration, the temporary intake of probiotic bacteria can be helpful. We recommend Orthomed fit pro-6 ® for this purpose. Please feel free to contact us about this.

You may eat and drink as usual after the examination.

Colonoscopy: benefits, risks and costs


What are the advantages of colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is an important preventive examination. It is currently the most accurate and reliable method of detecting and preventing intestinal diseases. A number of advantages speak in favor of the examination:

Enables precise assessment of the intestinal mucosa
Tissue samples can be taken directly during the examination
Enables the detection of colorectal cancer at a very early stage
Abnormal growths (polyps) in the intestine can be removed immediately to prevent them from developing into malignant tumors
Significantly reduces the risk of developing
bowel cancer


What are the risks and side effects?

Colonoscopy is considered a very safe procedure. The risk of complications is extremely low. In rare cases, minor bleeding may occur, for example when polyps are removed. However, these can usually be treated immediately on an outpatient basis.In extremely rare cases, more serious complications such as perforation of the bowel wall may occur during the examination.

In individual cases, patients do not tolerate the sedative. This can lead to circulatory problems during the examination – which is why we constantly monitor pulse, oxygen saturation and blood pressure.

The air used to dilate the bowel escapes naturally after the examination. This can take a few hours and can lead to temporary abdominal pain or bloating. To reduce discomfort before and after the colonoscopy, you can also have the examination performed using medical carbon dioxide (CO2) thanks to new technology. However, as the additional costs of using this procedure are not covered by statutory health insurance, we charge around 20 euros for this.


How much does a colonoscopy cost?

In the following cases, the statutory
health insurance companies will cover the costs of your colonoscopy:
Colorectal cancer screening: for men from the age of 50 and for women from the age of 55.
For bowel cancer screening at increased risk: as required from an earlier age. You can clarify this individually with your health insurance company, your family doctor or gastroenterologist.
For complaints that indicate an underlying intestinal disease.
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