Our disease management programs for chronic diseases

The disease management program (DMP) was specially developed to enable optimal therapy and intensive care for chronically ill people. The aim is to positively influence the course of certain chronic diseases, prevent complications and improve the quality of life of patients.

at a glance: dmp

Disease management programs (DMPs) are systematic treatment programs for certain chronic diseases.
The aim is to provide optimal therapy and improve the quality of life for those affected.
The key elements are close networking between various specialists and the involvement of those affected in their own treatment.
GP practice InnerMed: Your first point of contact for participation in a DMP, as well as regular check-ups.

What are disease management programs?

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease (CHD), asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are widespread and are among the most common health problems today, particularly in industrialized countries. In order to enable optimal treatment of these diseases, the so-called DMPs have been offered in Germany since 2002 by the statutory health insurance funds in close cooperation with medical practices .

The aim of the treatment programs is to provide the best possible long-term therapy for chronically ill people and thus significantly improve their quality of life. The treatment is always based on the latest medical findings with proven effectiveness.

Good to know: Some health insurance companies call the DMPs by different names – such as “Besser-Leben-Programm” (Better Life Program) at Barmer GEK or ACURA-Plan at AOK. However, the treatment programs do not differ.

How does a disease management program work?

Within a disease management program, medical specialists and facilities (e.g. GPs and specialists, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities) work closely and systematically together. In this way, treatment methods can be optimally coordinated and unnecessary duplication of examinations can be avoided. The general practitioner is usually the first point of contact for participants.

A central aim of the programs is also to involve patients in their own treatment – for example through special training courses where chronically ill people can deepen their knowledge about their own illness.

What disease management programs are there?

We offer you participation in the following disease management programs:

Do you have questions about our DMP?
We will be happy to explain the possibilities and advantages of the treatment to you in a personal consultation.
Just get in touch with us!

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