Das Team der Gemeinschaftspraxis INNERMED in Bühl / Baden Baden

The InnerMed practice team

Health means more than just the absence of illness. We take a holistic medical approach and support you in improving your physical, mental and social well-being. We have been there for you since 2013 as a general practitioner and specialist practice in Bühl/Baden-Baden. State-of-the-art medicine, safe examination and treatment methods and communication at eye level are a matter of course for us.

Whether it’s preventive healthcare, general practitioner care or gastroenterological treatment for gastrointestinal diseases – you are in competent and empathetic hands with our practice team.

We, Lutz Ehmsen and Matthias Kress, and our team will take care of you.

Specialists in gastroenterology

General practitioners

Practice management

Medical professionals

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